Active Noise Control Microphone

About this product

The Active Noise Control Microphone (#86734-11030), an essential component of Toyota's Electrical Navigation & Front Monitor Display and Electrical Speaker systems, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the acoustical environment within the car. This microphone captures and measures ambient noise, which the system then counters with opposing sound waves, thereby reducing overall noise levels. However, like any part, it may degrade or falter over time. A non-functioning microphone could lead to elevated noise levels, impacting the comfort and driving experience. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended to maintain compatibility and performance. Remember, genuine parts come with Toyota's comprehensive parts warranty. The Active Noise Control Microphone (#86734-11030), thus, contributes to a quieter, more enjoyable drive, enhancing the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86734-11030

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