Inner Rear View Mirror Assembly with Room Lamp

About this product

The Inner Rear View Mirror Assembly with Room Lamp (#87810-89142-04), an electrical component in the Mirror system, plays a crucial role in enhancing visibility for the driver. This part combines the functionality of a regular rear-view mirror with an integrated room lamp, which aids in illuminating the car's interior. Its operation relies on both mechanical and electronic components. With time, this assembly may degrade, leading to reduced mirror clarity or lamp failure, which can impact driver safety. Therefore, periodic replacement is essential. Remember that only genuine parts offer seamless compatibility with your vehicle, and Toyota backs these with their genuine parts warranty. This auto part significantly contributes to driving safety and comfort, improving the overall efficiency of the vehicle. If the assembly malfunctions, it could affect visibility and internal illumination, compromising the driving experience. Always opt for genuine replacement parts for optimal performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 87810-89142
Part Number 87810-89142-04
Color Name Blue

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