Molding Assembly Roofrh

About this product

The Molding Assembly Roofrh (#SU003-07259), a crucial body part in the Side Moulding system of Toyota vehicles, plays a key role in maintaining the vehicle's aesthetics and integrity. This part, typically designed to blend seamlessly with the vehicle's design, offers effective protection against the elements and potential hazards that might cause damage to the roofline. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Molding Assembly Roofrh (#SU003-07259) is built to meet Toyota's exacting standards for compatibility and quality. However, like all parts, it requires periodic replacement to prevent issues that might arise from wear and tear, such as water leaks or wind noise. When damaged or worn out, the molding can lose its effectiveness, compromising both aesthetics and function. By maintaining and replacing this part as necessary, you contribute significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-03068
Part Number SU003-07259

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