Molding Garnish Toy

About this product

The Molding Garnish Toy (#SU003-03125), a critical component in the Emblem & Name Plate (Exterior & Interior) system, serves a primary role in enhancing vehicle aesthetics and safeguarding underlying body parts. It functions by acting as a decorative cover, further reinforcing the vehicle's integrity. As this part ages, it may crack, fade, or break, compromising the vehicle's look and potentially exposing underlying components to damage. Thus, periodic replacement is essential. Remember, using genuine parts like these ensures optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Genuine parts like the Molding Garnish Toy (#SU003-03125) come with the added benefit of being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part not only boosts the car's overall visual appeal but also serves as a protective layer, contributing to maintaining the vehicle's exterior condition over time.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03125

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