Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly Left Hand (#85720-32160), a crucial component in Toyota's Body Front Door Window Regulator & Hinge system as well as the Body Rear Door Window Regulator & Hinge system, primarily aids in the control and movement of the vehicle's windows. This auto part employs a series of gears and mechanical linkages to accurately adjust window position in response to user commands. As with any mechanical setup, wear and tear can degrade the performance of the Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly Left Hand (#85720-32160) over time. Aging assemblies may become sluggish, or even fail completely, leading to compromised window functionality which could impair visibility and safety. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Power Window Regulator Motor Assembly Left Hand (#85720-32160), are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, they're covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind with your purchase. In conclusion, this auto part is an integral component that contributes to an efficient and safe vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85720-32160

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