Rear Traction Motor Assembly with Transaxle

About this product

The Rear Traction Motor Assembly with Transaxle (#G1050-48020) is a pivotal component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Transaxle Assy systems. Its primary role is to transfer power from the engine to the wheels, ensuring smooth operation and enhancing the vehicle's performance. It is integral to the operation of both Hev Or Bev Or Fcev and Hv Or Ev Or Fcv systems. Maintaining the quality of this assembly is essential. Over time, worn-out or damaged parts can impede engine efficiency and overall vehicle performance. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts ensures compatibility, resulting in top-notch performance and longevity. All genuine parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A non-functional Rear Traction Motor Assembly with Transaxle (#G1050-48020) could lead to reduced vehicle control and diminished engine performance. Thus, the use and maintenance of this assembly significantly contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G1050-48020

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