Cooling Fan Motor with Controller

About this product

The Cooling Fan Motor with Controller (#16363-37100), a crucial component in Toyota's Radiator & Water Outlet system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the optimum temperature of the engine. As the engine operates, it produces heat, and this autonomic part kicks in to regulate the temperature by blowing air through the radiator. This specialized gadget comprises two parts: the motor, which powers the fan, and the controller, which triggers the fan based on the engine's temperature. As it ages, its efficiency can decrease, potentially leading to engine overheating, a problem that may result in severe engine damage. That's why periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is critical. By efficiently cooling the engine, this motor-controller duo enhances the overall performance and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 16363-37100

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