Headlamp Cleaner Motor & Pump Assembly

About this product

The Headlamp Cleaner Motor & Pump Assembly (#85280-47010), an essential component in Toyota's Electrical Headlamp Cleaner and Electrical Windshield Washer systems, plays a primary role in maintaining visibility. This auto part, a genuine Toyota component, is responsible for pumping cleaning fluid to the headlamps and windshield through a motor-driven pump mechanism. Like any mechanical part, it can become clogged or dysfunctional over time, necessitating replacement. Failure to replace a worn-out assembly can result in reduced visibility, posing a safety risk. With Toyota's genuine parts warranty, opting for a genuine part ensures compatibility and longevity. This assembly is vital for the efficient operation of the Headlamp Cleaner and Windshield Washer systems, contributing to the overall safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85280-47010

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