Back Window Outside Molding Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Back Window Outside Molding Sub-Assembly (#75507-17010), a crucial component in the Rear Moulding system of your Toyota, serves an essential purpose in maintaining the structural integrity and aesthetics of your vehicle. This assembly protects the edges of the back window glass from damage, and also provides a seal against weather elements. Genuine Toyota parts offer optimal compatibility and assurance of quality, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part may become worn or damaged due to exposure. A compromised Back Window Outside Molding Sub-Assembly (#75507-17010) may lead to leaks, potential glass damage, and a diminishment of the vehicle's overall appearance. Regular replacement is therefore advised to maintain your vehicle's efficiency and safety. In the grand scheme of things, this molding sub-assembly plays a pivotal role in preserving the structural integrity and overall aesthetic appeal of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 75507-19015
Part Number 75507-17010

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