Roof Drip Si Fin Molding Sub-Assembly Front Left Hand

About this product

The Roof Drip Si Fin Molding Sub-Assembly Front Left Hand (#75506-60010) is a crucial component of the Moulding system in Toyota vehicles. This genuine part's primary function is to direct water runoff away from the car's roof and windows, preventing water infiltration that could compromise interior comfort and electrical systems. This part’s effectiveness may diminish over time due to exposure to harsh weather conditions, which could lead to rusting or cracking. If the part becomes damaged or non-functional, it could lead to water seeping into the vehicle, causing potential damage to the interior. Using genuine Toyota parts, such as the Roof Drip Si Fin Molding Sub-Assembly Front Left Hand (#75506-60010), enhances vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The part's proper functioning is pivotal in maintaining the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety, ensuring a comfortable and dry ride even in heavy rains.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 75506-60010

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