Fender Panel Mudguard Left Hand

About this product

The Fender Panel Mudguard Left Hand (#76912-95D00-B0), a vital body part in the Spoiler & Side Mudguard system, plays a crucial role in protecting the vehicle from mud, dirt, and debris. This genuine Toyota Autopart is designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle, and it functions by acting as a barrier between the tyres and the body of the vehicle, deflecting unwanted elements away. However, like all auto parts, the Fender Panel Mudguard Left Hand (#76912-95D00-B0) does not last forever and requires timely replacement. An aged or damaged mudguard can lead to accumulated dirt and debris, causing potential damage to the car’s body or even affecting aerodynamics. Protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, this component contributes significantly to the vehicle's cleanliness, safety, and overall efficiency. It also complements other parts in the system, enhancing their longevity and overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 76912-95D00-03;76912-95D00-13;76912-95D00-B1
Part Number 76912-95D00-B0
Color Number 0416L37518H48H58K2
Color Name Cool Gray

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