Muffler Assembly

About this product

The Muffler Assembly (#SU003-05271), a crucial Engine-Fuel part in the Exhaust Pipe system, primarily helps to reduce noise produced by the exhaust gases in a vehicle. It does this by directing these gases through a series of tubes and chambers designed to dampen sound. Genuine Toyota Muffler Assemblies are highly compatible with your vehicle and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As time passes, the Muffler Assembly (#SU003-05271) can become old, clogged, or broken, which can lead to a louder engine and potential damage to other parts of the exhaust system. Therefore, a periodic replacement is necessary. A well-functioning Muffler Assembly (#SU003-05271) not only aids in maintaining a quieter driving experience but also contributes to the overall efficiency of your vehicle's exhaust system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-05271

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