Defroster Nozzle Assembly

About this product

The Defroster Nozzle Assembly (#55950-12160) in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system of Toyota vehicles is an essential auto part. It is responsible for delivering warm air to the windshield, ensuring visibility is maintained by preventing frost and fogging. As the vehicle is in operation, the nozzle directs air from the heating system to the windshield. Over time, the Defroster Nozzle Assembly (#55950-12160) may become clogged or worn out, affecting its functionality. A non-functional or broken nozzle can compromise visibility during cold weather, posing a safety risk. Hence, periodic replacement using genuine Toyota parts, backed by a Toyota warranty, is highly recommended. Alongside other components in the system, the Defroster Nozzle Assembly (#55950-12160) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle by ensuring clear visibility irrespective of the weather conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55950-12160

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