Light Detection and Ranging Cleaner Nozzle Front

About this product

The Light Detection and Ranging Cleaner Nozzle Front (#881D5-62010), an electrical part in the Windshield Washer system, plays a crucial role in maintaining clear and unobstructed Lidar sensors. It discharges washer fluid onto the sensor, effectively removing dust, dirt, and other debris that might distort their functionality. This part works in tandem with the washer pump, which pushes the fluid through the cleaner nozzle. However, the Light Detection and Ranging Cleaner Nozzle Front (#881D5-62010) can become clogged or worn out over time, restricting the flow of washer fluid and compromising the cleanliness of Lidar sensors. This inaccuracy can affect the vehicle's sensing capabilities, posing potential safety risks. Using genuine Toyota parts, including the Light Detection and Ranging Cleaner Nozzle Front (#881D5-62010), not only assures vehicle compatibility but is also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, this small yet critical component contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's sensor system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 881D5-62010

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