
About this product

The Nut (#90179-22018), a critical component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Planetary Gear, Reverse Piston & Counter Gear (Automatic Transmission) system, and Drive-Chassis Transfer Case & Extension Housing system, plays a pivotal role in securing and stabilizing these systems. The Nut (#90179-22018) fastens various components, allowing them to function effectively while the vehicle is in operation. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Nut (#90179-22018), favor vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Nut (#90179-22018) may wear out or become damaged, necessitating replacement. Neglecting this could lead to loose parts, affecting system stability, and causing potential operational hazards. A well-maintained Nut (#90179-22018) contributes to the overall integrity and efficiency of the systems, enhancing safety and performance. Periodic, genuine part replacement is essential in maintaining optimal vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90179-22018

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