Cap Nut

About this product

The Cap Nut (#90176-08051), an integral electrical component in the Windshield Wiper system of Toyota vehicles, is instrumental in securing and protecting connections within the system. Acting as a cover for threads, it prevents accidental dislodgment or damage during the operation of the wipers. The reliance of the system on this minor, yet crucial part, highlights the importance of using genuine Toyota Autoparts which are designed specifically for compatibility with your vehicle. These genuine parts are backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. It is essential to replace this part periodically, as any wear or breakage could lead to loosened connections, affecting the functionality of the Windshield Wiper system. A faulty cap nut could impede the wipers' operation, potentially compromising visibility during adverse weather conditions. In conclusion, the Cap Nut (#90176-08051) plays a key role in maintaining the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's Windshield Wiper system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90176-08040;90176-08042;90176-08045;90176-08049
Part Number 90176-08051

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