Flange Nut

About this product

The Flange Nut (#90178-A0042), a crucial auto part in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Front Axle Housing & Differential and Rear Axle Housing & Differential systems, primarily serves to secure and fasten components together. It functions by distributing the load across a larger area, reducing the chance of material deformation and providing a more secure and stable connection. Periodic replacement of the Flange Nut (#90178-A0042) is necessary as over time, the threads within the nut can wear down, reducing its effectiveness in holding parts together securely. A worn or broken Flange Nut (#90178-A0042) can lead to loosening of essential components, negatively affecting the vehicle's performance and safety. Genuine Toyota parts ensure vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-functioning Flange Nut (#90178-A0042) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle, securing crucial components within its system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90179-12068
Part Number 90178A0042

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