Flare Nut

About this product

The Toyota Flare Nut (#16495-7A121) is a significant component in the Radiator & Water Outlet system of the engine-fuel part category. Its primary role is to secure the connection between the fuel line and the fuel injector, ensuring an efficient fuel supply. The Flare Nut (#16495-7A121) achieves this by tightly sealing the joint, preventing any possible leakages. However, this part can wear over time, leading to potential leakages, which can adversely affect the fuel supply to the engine. This can result in inefficient fuel use and reduced engine performance. Thus, it is crucial to replace the Flare Nut (#16495-7A121) periodically with genuine parts for compatibility with your vehicle. Remember, Toyota supports its genuine parts with a reliable warranty. A well-functioning Flare Nut (#16495-7A121) contributes to the overall efficiency of the fuel system, ensuring optimal fuel usage and a smooth-running engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 16495-7A120
Part Number 16495-7A121

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