Head Lamp Nut

About this product

The Head Lamp Nut (#81128-22520), an electrical part in the Headlamp system, plays a crucial role in securing the headlamp to the vehicle. This auto part ensures the headlamp stays in place, providing consistent, reliable lighting while in operation. The Head Lamp Nut (#81128-22520), like other components, can wear out over time. When old or damaged, the nut may fail to secure the headlamp effectively, potentially leading to shaky or unstable lighting. This can inevitably compromise the driver's visibility and safety. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended. Toyota Auto Parts stresses the use of genuine parts, like the Head Lamp Nut (#81128-22520), for compatibility with your vehicle. Genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind. Lastly, a properly secured headlamp, aided by the Head Lamp Nut (#81128-22520), enhances the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81128-22520

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