Hexagon Nut

About this product

The Hexagon Nut (#16496-70290) is a vital component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel system, specifically in the Radiator & Water Outlet framework. Its key role is to secure other parts within the system, maintaining a tight fit that ensures proper operation. As the engine runs, the Hexagon Nut (#16496-70290) must withstand high temperature and pressure, making it integral to the system’s stability and efficiency. Over time, the Hexagon Nut (#16496-70290) can wear out or corrode due to exposure to high heat and pressure, which could lead to a loosening of components and potential system failures. Therefore, it requires periodic replacement with a genuine Toyota part for perfect compatibility. Genuine parts are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering an extra layer of protection. The Hexagon Nut (#16496-70290), though small, plays a critical role in keeping your vehicle's system tightly integrated and functioning effectively, optimizing system efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 16496-42141
Part Number 16496-70290

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