Nut with Wiper Link

About this product

The Nut with Wiper Link (#85186-12171) is a crucial part in Toyota's Electrical Rear Wiper and Electrical Windshield Wiper systems. It plays a pivotal role in the wiper assembly, securing the wiper link to the wiper motor, which ensures smooth and effective wiping operations. Like all parts, it is subject to wear and tear and requires periodic replacement. Failure to replace a worn or damaged Nut with Wiper Link (#85186-12171) could lead to inefficient wiper performance, posing safety risks especially in poor weather conditions. By opting for genuine Toyota parts, you are choosing components that are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle. Furthermore, all genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's comprehensive genuine parts warranty. Replacing the Nut with Wiper Link (#85186-12171) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your wiper systems, providing clear vision for safer driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85160-89111;85160-89112;85168-12190;85186-10080;85186-10081;85186-12170;85160-89110;85160-89106;85160-89107;85160-89108;85160-89109;85186-12210 More
Part Number 85186-12171

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