
About this product

The O-Ring-8.8X1.9 (#SU003-03978) is a crucial auto part in the Engine-Fuel component of the Cylinder Block system for Toyota vehicles. This specific part helps seal connections within the engine, preventing any unwanted leaks or pressure loss. Its role within the system is pivotal to maintain the performance and safety of the vehicle. Genuine O-Ring-8.8X1.9 (#SU003-03978) by Toyota not only provides perfect vehicle compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the O-Ring-8.8X1.9 (#SU003-03978) may deteriorate or break due to constant exposure to heat and pressure, making it vital for periodic replacement. A non-functional or broken O-Ring-8.8X1.9 (#SU003-03978) could lead to serious fuel leaks, engine damage, and even potential safety hazards. By ensuring optimum sealing performance, the O-Ring-8.8X1.9 (#SU003-03978) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the Cylinder Block system, thereby promoting vehicle safety and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03978

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