
About this product

The O-Ring-Sensor (#SU003-08439), a paramount component in the Cylinder Block system of Engine-Fuel parts, plays a crucial role in sealing connections and preventing leaks. It functions by creating a barrier between different parts, ensuring the proper running of the engine. This is made possible by its ability to withstand high temperatures and aggressive fluids. However, with time, this part can wear out, become brittle, or even break. A non-functional O-Ring-Sensor (#SU003-08439) could lead to leaks and subsequent engine damage, highlighting the importance of timely replacements using genuine parts. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are a key to maintaining vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In short, the O-Ring-Sensor (#SU003-08439) is indispensable to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle, keeping the engine running smoothly and preventing potential damages.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08439

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