Orn Panel Assembly P Hilhd

About this product

The Orn Panel Assembly P Hilhd (#SU003-01934), an essential Body part in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, plays a fundamental role in securing and protecting the various instruments and electrical systems housed within it. This Toyota Autoparts piece functions as a shield, protecting components like the car's speedometer, fuel gauge, and climate controls from dust, debris, and potential external damage. Over time, this panel could become worn or damaged, compromising the safety and functionality of the systems it encases. A worn-out panel might not provide adequate protection, leading to potential damage to crucial gauges and controls. Being a genuine Toyota part, this panel assembly is designed for perfect fit and compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. It is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing assurance of its quality, reliability, and durability. Replacing this part as needed contributes significantly to the optimal functioning and overall safety of your vehicle's Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01934

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