Door Electrical Key Oscillator

About this product

The Door Electrical Key Oscillator (#89991-47032) is a crucial component within Toyota's Wireless Door Lock system. Acting as a communication hub, it interacts with the system's remote control, enabling the wireless locking and unlocking of the vehicle. Its ability to function seamlessly is dependent on its compatibility with the vehicle, which is best provided by genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this Electrical part may degrade or become damaged, compromising its ability to correspond with the remote control. A broken or non-functional Door Electrical Key Oscillator (#89991-47032) could lead to the inability to lock or unlock the vehicle wirelessly, posing a security risk. In conclusion, the Door Electrical Key Oscillator (#89991-47032) significantly enhances the efficiency and security of your vehicle, ensuring that the wireless lock system functions optimally.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 89991-47030;89991-47031
Part Number 89991-47032

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