Master Cylinder Overhaul Set

About this product

The Master Cylinder Overhaul Set (#47275-09010), a key Drive-Chassis component within the Brake Master Cylinder system, plays a vital role in maintaining your Toyota's braking performance. The set functions by creating hydraulic pressure that activates the brake calipers, allowing your vehicle to stop promptly and safely. This operation involves various components, such as cylinder cups and seals that prevent fluid leakage. Given its importance in safe driving, the Master Cylinder Overhaul Set (#47275-09010) requires periodic replacement. Over time, wear and tear can lead to a compromised set, leading to diminished brake performance. A non-functional set can lead to brake failure, a safety hazard not to be overlooked. Always opt for genuine Toyota parts for compatibility with your vehicle. They are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-maintained Master Cylinder Overhaul Set (#47275-09010) not only ensures efficient braking but also contributes to the vehicle's overall safety and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47275-09010

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