
About this product

The Packing (#11295-33010), an important body part in the Caution Plate system of Toyota vehicles, plays a crucial role in sealing and protecting the vehicle's systems against elements like dirt, moisture, and heat. During operation, the Packing (#11295-33010) acts as a barrier, preventing the intrusion of potentially damaging elements. It works in conjunction with other parts of the system to maintain optimal performance. However, as time passes, the Packing (#11295-33010) can degrade, break, or become clogged. This could compromise the integrity of the Caution Plate system and the vehicle overall. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended for compatibility and longevity. The Packing (#11295-33010) not only ensures the smooth functioning of the Caution Plate system but also contributes significantly towards the vehicle's overall efficiency, safety, and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 11295-33010

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