
About this product

The Packing (#62653-35010), a critical auto part in the Electrical Rear Wiper system, acts as a seal to prevent fluid leakage and provide insulation against electrical faults. When the car is in operation, the Packing (#62653-35010) ensures the smooth functioning of the wiper system by keeping the components dry and secure. Over time, the Packing (#62653-35010) may degrade, potentially leading to fluid seepage or electrical hazards, further undermining the performance of the wiper system. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Packing (#62653-35010), are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, they come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing added peace of mind. Remember, a faulty Packing (#62653-35010) could compromise the efficiency and safety of the wiper system. So, regular inspection and timely replacement are necessary to maintain the reliability of your Toyota vehicle. The Packing (#62653-35010) plays a fundamental role in preserving the overall safety and efficiency of the Electrical Rear Wiper System.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 76893-35050
Part Number 62653-35010

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