Back Window Packing

About this product

The Back Window Packing (#64839-89104), a critical component of the Roof Panel & Back Panel system, plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of your Toyota vehicle. This auto part is responsible for sealing the rear window, consequently preventing water, dust, and other environmental elements from penetrating the car interior. This part, like any other, is subject to wear and tear. As it ages, it may lose its sealing capabilities, which can lead to water leakage and potential damage to the interior of your vehicle. As such, periodic replacement is recommended. Using genuine Toyota parts for this replacement not only aids compatibility but is also supported by Toyota's robust parts warranty. The Back Window Packing (#64839-89104) is instrumental in providing a comfortable and safe driving experience, contributing to the overall efficiency of the vehicle by maintaining an optimal interior environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64839-89104

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