Cooler Packing #1

About this product

The Toyota Cooler Packing #1 (#88578-0C010), a component vital to the Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system and the Cooler Unit system, has a principal role in facilitating optimal heat transfer. The Cooler Packing #1 (#88578-0C010), made from high-quality, heat-resistant materials, forms a tight seal between the cooler and its interface, preventing any coolant leaks while maximizing heat dissipation. As a wear and tear part, it needs periodic replacement to maintain system efficiency. Old or damaged Cooler Packing #1 (#88578-0C010) might result in coolant leaks, inadequate cooling, and decreased system performance. Genuine Toyota Cooler Packing #1 (#88578-0C010) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts warranty. By maintaining optimal heat transfer and reducing the risk of coolant leaks, the Cooler Packing #1 (#88578-0C010) plays a significant role in preserving the overall performance and safety of your vehicle's heating and air conditioning systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88578-0C010

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