Height Control Packing

About this product

The Height Control Packing (#48979-60020), a key Drive-Chassis component in the Toyota Height Control (Auto-Leveler) system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining balance and stability of the vehicle. Essentially, this part adjusts the height of the vehicle with respect to the road conditions, providing optimum control and safety. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts not only maximizes compatibility but also comes with Toyota's trusted parts warranty. Over time, the Height Control Packing (#48979-60020) part experiences wear and tear, and may become less efficient or even non-functional. When this occurs, vehicle handling may become unpredictable or unstable. Regular replacements of the Height Control Packing (#48979-60020) can prevent such issues. This part's proper functioning ensures the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's height control system, contributing significantly to a smooth and stable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48979-60020

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