Packing Inlet

About this product

The Packing Inlet (#SU003-02696), an integral part of the Windshield Washer system in Toyota vehicles, plays a central role in the efficient operation of this system. Specifically, this Electrical part functions to direct and regulate the flow of washer fluid to the windshield, hence, ensuring clear visibility at all times. Like any other part, the Packing Inlet (#SU003-02696) is susceptible to wear, clogs, or breakage, which could lead to ineffective distribution of washer fluid or even system failure. Regular replacement of this part is therefore crucial to maintain the optimum performance of your windshield washer system. By choosing genuine Toyota Autoparts, you not only get parts that are designed to fit perfectly with your vehicle but also benefit from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-functioning Packing Inlet (#SU003-02696) greatly contributes to the safety and efficiency of your vehicle by ensuring a clean and clear windshield.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02696

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