Packing Motor

About this product

The Packing Motor (#SU003-02695), a vital electrical part of the Windshield Washer system in a Toyota, plays a significant role in activating the windshield wipers. As the Packing Motor (#SU003-02695) gets older or clogged, its function is compromised, which can lead to poor visibility due to an inefficient windshield washer system. Genuine Toyota car parts are preferred for their perfect fit and compatibility with the vehicle systems, and the Packing Motor (#SU003-02695) is no exception. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs these items, providing assurance of their quality and durability. The Packing Motor (#SU003-02695) is critical for the safety and efficiency of the car's windscreen system. Without it functioning correctly, the windshield washer system may fail, potentially compromising visibility in harsh weather conditions, and hence, the vehicle's overall safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02695

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