Washer Packing C

About this product

The Toyota Washer Packing C (#85365-02010) is a crucial electrical component of the Windshield Washer system. This part is primarily responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the washer system by regulating the flow of the windshield washer fluid. It works in conjunction with other components like the washer pump and the washer nozzle. If the Washer Packing C (#85365-02010) becomes old, clogged, or broken, it could impact the effectiveness of the washer system, inhibiting your ability to clean your windshield effectively. This could potentially compromise visibility during inclement weather or dirty conditions, posing a safety risk. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Washer Packing C (#85365-02010) will not only ensure vehicle compatibility but also provide you with the peace of mind that comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, a well-functioning Washer Packing C (#85365-02010) improves the efficiency of the Windshield Washer system, enhancing safety by ensuring a clean and clear windshield.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85365-02010

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