Assist Grip Pad

About this product

The Assist Grip Pad (#74611-0R020-C0), part of the Armrest & Visor system in Toyota's Body Parts range, serves a vital role in ensuring passenger comfort and safety. Genuine Toyota parts like this help maintain the compatibility of your vehicle, enhancing its functionality and longevity. This pad provides grip and support for passengers to hold onto during sudden stops or turns, significantly reducing risk of injury. Over time, however, wear and tear can degrade the grip pad, potentially impacting its effectiveness. A worn-out part can lead to compromised safety, as passengers might not be able to maintain a stable hold. With genuine parts backed by Toyota's warranty, replacing this part when needed can contribute greatly to sustained vehicle safety. The Assist Grip Pad (#74611-0R020-C0), though small, contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's Armrest & Visor system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 74611-0R020-C0
Color Name Black

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