Brake Pedal Pad

About this product

The Brake Pedal Pad (#47121-50020), a crucial component in Toyota's Body Accelerator Link and Drive-Chassis Brake Pedal & Bracket systems, delivers essential friction. It enables the driver to securely apply pressure to the braking system, allowing safe deceleration or complete halt. This component interacts directly with the driver's foot, responding to the driver's input by leveraging the braking mechanism. Over time, the pad may wear down, compromising grip and potentially creating dangerous driving conditions. Replacing old or worn Brake Pedal Pad (#47121-50020)s with genuine Toyota parts can significantly improve vehicle compatibility and safety. These genuine parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Brake Pedal Pad (#47121-50020) plays a pivotal role in maintaining system efficiency and ensuring safe vehicular operations.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 47121-06030
Part Number 47121-50020

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