Pad Compl Sport

About this product

The Pad Compl Sport (#SU003-00970) is an integral brake pedal & bracket system component used in the Drive-Chassis assembly. Its primary role is to provide a firm and responsive braking feel, contributing to the overall vehicle's safety and control. The Pad Compl Sport (#SU003-00970) works by increasing friction between the brake pedal and the driver's foot, ensuring a more secure grip and consistent brake application. This part's efficiency can degrade over time due to wear and tear or accumulation of dirt, which could impact the vehicle's braking system. This makes periodic replacement necessary to maintain optimal brake performance. Opting for a genuine Toyota Pad Compl Sport (#SU003-00970) ensures vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This component's adequate function and timely replacement significantly contribute to the safety of the vehicle, enhancing its braking efficiency and driver's control.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00970

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