Dash Panel Insulator Pad #1

The Dash Panel Insulator Pad #1 (#5521542070), a key component within the Body/Mat & Carpet system of your vehicle, plays a vital role in enhancing comfort and reducing noise. This auto part, fabricated from high-quality material, primarily functions to diminish noise from the engine compartment by acting as a sound barrier, while also offering insulation from heat generated by the engine. Like all parts, it is subject to wear and tear over time and requires replacement to maintain optimal function. An old, damaged, or non-functional Dash Panel Insulator Pad #1 (#5521542070) may result in increased cabin noise and discomfort due to heat. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, like this insulator pad, are specifically designed to maintain vehicle compatibility and they come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Dash Panel Insulator Pad #1 (#5521542070) contributes significantly to the overall comfort and driving experience, making it an essential component in your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55215-42070

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