#1 Seat Cushion Pad Right Hand

About this product

The #1 Seat Cushion Pad Right Hand (#79135-08050), a critical component in Toyota's Rear Seat & Seat Track system, serves as a padding layer, providing comfort and reducing shocks during a vehicle's operation. It functions in cooperation with the seat cover and the seat frame, forming a comfortable and safe seating environment. Over time, the #1 Seat Cushion Pad Right Hand (#79135-08050) might lose its firmness or even break due to wear and tear, impacting the comfort level and possibly affecting the overall safety of the passengers. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended. Toyota's genuine parts are not only compatible with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, a well-maintained #1 Seat Cushion Pad Right Hand (#79135-08050) significantly contributes to the comfort and safety of the vehicle's occupants.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 79135-08050

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