Roof Side Inner Garnish Pad

About this product

The Roof Side Inner Garnish Pad (#62475-12140), a pertinent component of Toyota's Inside Trim Board & Door Opening Trim Moulding system, plays a pivotal role in serving both aesthetic and safety purposes. It's essentially a trim part that adorns the inside of the vehicle, enhancing its visual appeal. In addition, it adds a layer of protection, mitigating the impact of sudden jerks or accidents. Genuine parts like this Roof Side Inner Garnish Pad (#62475-12140) are ideal for seamless vehicle compatibility. Moreover, they fall under Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind with every purchase. However, like all other parts, the Roof Side Inner Garnish Pad (#62475-12140) isn't immortal. With age and use, it can deteriorate, becoming worn or damaged, which may compromise the interior aesthetics and safety standards of the vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement is essential to maintain the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle. By satisfying both design and safety needs, this part is a clear symbol of Toyota's commitment to delivering quality and maintaining high safety standards.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 62475-02070
Part Number 62475-12140

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