Rear Bumper Pad Right Hand

About this product

The Rear Bumper Pad Right Hand (#52462-52010) is a pivotal component in Toyota's Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay system. This Body part primarily protects the vehicle's rear end from low-speed impacts, working by absorbing shock and minimizing potential damage. When a force is applied, the Rear Bumper Pad Right Hand (#52462-52010) compresses, reducing the effect of the collision. As with all parts, the Rear Bumper Pad Right Hand (#52462-52010) requires occasional replacement. Over time, it may become less effective due to wear and tear, potentially exposing the vehicle to greater damage in case of a collision. Using genuine Toyota parts is essential for maintaining vehicle compatibility and preserving the warranty coverage provided by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Rear Bumper Pad Right Hand (#52462-52010) enhances the safety and efficiency of the vehicle, shielding it from potential damage, ensuring peace of mind on the road, and contributing to the longevity of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 52462-52010

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