Steering Wheel Pad

About this product

The Steering Wheel Pad (#45112-20200-06), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Steering Wheel system, primarily acts as a protective layer between the driver and the hard metal of the steering wheel. It offers comfort and grip to the driver, ensuring optimal control over vehicle direction. Designed with precision, this genuine Toyota part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, seamlessly integrates with your vehicle for a perfect fit. Over time, the Steering Wheel Pad (#45112-20200-06) can wear out, developing cracks or losing its firmness, compromising the driver's comfort and grip. This could potentially impact steering control and expose the driver to safety risks. By maintaining a comfortable and firm grip, the Steering Wheel Pad (#45112-20200-06) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the driving experience. Regular replacement of this part is therefore important to uphold your vehicle's performance and safety standards.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 45112-20200
Part Number 45112-20200-06

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