Pan Compl-Oil Upper

About this product

The Pan Compl-Oil Upper (#SU003-10622), a critical part of the Cylinder Block system in the Engine-Fuel category, is designed to contain and preserve the oil necessary for engine lubrication. The pan collects oil that has drained from the sides of the cylinder and re-circulates it through the engine to maintain optimal function. This cycle allows the engine to run smoothly and efficiently. Should the Pan Compl-Oil Upper (#SU003-10622) become damaged or clogged, the engine could experience impaired lubrication, leading to friction and heat, potentially causing severe engine damage. Therefore, periodic replacement of genuine Toyota Pan Compl-Oil Upper (#SU003-10622) parts is highly recommended. Genuine parts provide the assurance of compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Operating with a fully functional Pan Compl-Oil Upper (#SU003-10622) substantially improves engine efficiency and safety, ensuring a smooth ride and prolonging the life of your vehicle's engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10622

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