Console Compartment Door Panel

About this product

The Console Compartment Door Panel (#58989-06020-C0), a crucial body part of the Console Box & Bracket system in Toyota cars, performs the primary role of protecting and securing the console compartment. It operates as a door, opening and closing to allow access to the compartment, while maintaining a sleek, integrated look with the vehicle's interior. Comprised of durable materials, this component is vital for the overall interior aesthetics and functionality. However, with time and use, it may wear out, become damaged, or lose its alignment, requiring replacement. Neglecting to replace a malfunctioning Console Compartment Door Panel (#58989-06020-C0) could lead to a loss of protection for the console box and its contents, undermining the vehicle's interior integrity. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts can ensure optimal vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining a functioning Console Compartment Door Panel (#58989-06020-C0), you uphold the efficiency and safety of the Console Box & Bracket system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58989-06020-C0
Color Name Black

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