Ctr Seat Back Panel

About this product

The Ctr Seat Back Panel (#71353-0C010-C0), a crucial Body part in the Seat & Seat Track system, is pivotal in maintaining passenger comfort and safety during vehicle operation. This panel supports the contours of the passenger's back, promoting proper posture and reducing discomfort during long drives. A worn-out or damaged Ctr Seat Back Panel (#71353-0C010-C0) can compromise not only comfort, but also safety, as it may fail to provide adequate support in a sudden stop or collision. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Ctr Seat Back Panel (#71353-0C010-C0), ensure compatibility with your vehicle, contributing to the overall operation and safety of the Seat & Seat Track system. They are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of this part is recommended to maintain optimal performance. The Ctr Seat Back Panel (#71353-0C010-C0) ultimately contributes to a safer, more comfortable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71353-0C010-C0
Color Name Black

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