Panel Grille Ring Hi

About this product

The Panel Grille Ring Hi (#SU003-06128), an essential Body part within the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system in Toyota vehicles, plays a significant role in the vehicle's appearance and function. This component contributes to the neat and clean look of the dashboard area, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. Periodic replacement of the Panel Grille Ring Hi (#SU003-06128) is important as, over time, it can become worn, broken or even discoloured. A broken or non-functional panel grille can affect the overall appearance of the vehicle's interior and possibly obstruct the operation of the dashboard controls. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement not only enhances vehicle compatibility, but also provides the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Panel Grille Ring Hi (#SU003-06128) thus, contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's interior systems, maintaining the look, feel and function that Toyota drivers have come to expect.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-06128

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