Instrument Panel Finish Panel

About this product

The Instrument Panel Finish Panel (#55431-07060-C0), a significant component within the Console Box & Bracket system of Toyota vehicles, essentially serves as a protective and aesthetic covering for the instrument panel. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this one, are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, enhancing its overall performance and longevity. Over time, the Instrument Panel Finish Panel (#55431-07060-C0) may wear out or become damaged, affecting its appearance and potentially exposing the instrument panel to harmful elements. Therefore, periodic replacements are recommended to maintain the neat appearance and protection of the instrument panel. The use of genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, not only maintains the look and functionality of your vehicle but also contributes to its overall safety and efficiency. This panel, specifically, aids in protecting critical console instruments from dust, sunlight, and other potential damage, thereby promoting a longer lifespan for these components.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55431-07060-C0
Color Name Black

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