Quarter Panel Sub-Assembly Outer #2 Right Hand

About this product

The Quarter Panel Sub-Assembly Outer #2 Right Hand (#60161-60871), a critical body part in the Side Member system of Toyota vehicles, serves a pivotal role in maintaining vehicle aesthetics and structural integrity. As part of the outer shell, it primarily protects the vehicle against physical impacts and harsh weather conditions. When subjected to prolonged use, this part may suffer from wear and tear, which could compromise the vehicle's exterior and potentially expose more delicate internal parts to damage. Therefore, timely replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended for optimal vehicle compatibility and durability. Moreover, these genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, by preserving the vehicle's external façade and shielding internal components, the Quarter Panel Sub-Assembly Outer #2 Right Hand (#60161-60871) significantly contributes to the system's efficiency and safety. Regular maintenance and replacement contribute to a smoother, safer driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 60161-60870;60161-60891;60161-60890
Part Number 60161-60871

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