Rear Seat Ctr A/Rst Panel Sub-Assembly #1

About this product

The Toyota Rear Seat Ctr A/Rst Panel Sub-Assembly #1 (#72803-60030-E0) is an integral body part in the Seat & Seat Track system. Its primary role is to provide structural support and attachment points for the seat and seat track assembly, ensuring the seat remains securely fixed while the vehicle is in operation. Genuine Toyota parts like this are crucial for vehicle compatibility and are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this sub-assembly may experience wear and tear which can lead to a loose or unstable seat. This could potentially compromise the safety of the vehicle's occupants. Therefore, periodic replacement is encouraged as part of regular vehicle maintenance. As this part directly impacts the safety and stability of the seating system, its upkeep ensures the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72803-60030-E0
Color Name Neutral Beige

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