Side Panel Sub-Assembly #1 Left Hand

About this product

The Side Panel Sub-Assembly #1 Left Hand (#61102-35141), a vital part within the Hood & Front Fender system, serves a crucial role in protecting the vehicle's inner components from external factors. It functions as a shield, effectively preventing dirt, debris, and other potential hazards from entering the engine and other vital systems while the vehicle is in operation. Genuine parts, such as the Side Panel Sub-Assembly #1 Left Hand (#61102-35141), not only provide perfect compatibility with your vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part may wear out or get damaged, making its replacement necessary. Ignoring a damaged Side Panel Sub-Assembly #1 Left Hand (#61102-35141) can lead to exposure of internal parts, which may result in costly repairs. Besides its protective role, a properly functioning Side Panel Sub-Assembly #1 Left Hand (#61102-35141) contributes to the vehicle's aerodynamics, improving the system's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61102-35141

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